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Student Accessibility Services

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Temporary Accommodations

Temporary accommodations are those needed for short-term situations such as a broken limb, one-time surgery, temporary medical treatment, etc. The process to apply for temporary accommodations is identical to that specified on the page Register for accommodations.


An end date for temporary accommodations will be agreed upon during the Intake meeting. Students must communicate with SAS to arrange an extension if the condition persists. Additional documentation may be required.


Temporary disabled parking placard

Student Accessibility Services can write a letter of support for students to receive a one-time, 6-week temporary disabled parking permit for OSU campus with the proper student documentation.


If the student will need a disabled parking permit for longer than 6 weeks, they must apply through the State of Oklahoma. Once obtained, show Parking & Transit Services at OSU and they will issue a campus permit to match.


More information on Disability Parking at OSU.

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