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Student Accessibility Services

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Housing Accommodations

Examples of some common housing accommodations might be a private bedroom, private or semi-private bathroom, first floor/ADA room, private kitchen, etc.


Oklahoma State University is committed to providing individuals with disabilities an equal opportunity to use and enjoy university housing. Individuals needing housing accommodations will work with both Student Accessibility Services (SAS) and Residential Life.


SAS’s role is to verify documentation of the need for housing accommodations and to send verification to Residential Life, who handles the remainder of the process.


How to Register for Housing Accommodations

  1. Complete the SAS New Student Application. Once you have submitted your application, you will receive an automatic email letting you know we need documentation of your diagnosis.

  2. Submit documentation of your disability. Documentation can be submitted to our office via email to or faxed to 405-744-1143. We can accept a dated letter from a professional, a copy of evaluation,or a copy of the 504/IEP (if you had one) that must state your diagnosis.

    1. The following information is required on your documentation:

      1. Name and date of birth.

      2. A diagnostic statement identifying the disability or condition.

      3. The licensed professional’s signature.

  3. Send an email with your specific housing request to SAS at

    1. In this email, you must identify the type of accommodations you will need (i.e., shaker bed, first floor room, ADA room, private bed/bathroom, special height desk/bed, etc.).

Once we have received your application, documentation, and specific housing needs, we will notify Residential Life of your accommodation. They will then place you wherever there is availability on campus that meets those needs.


Housing Exemption Support

Since OSU Housing & Residential Life is able to accommodate the vast majority of student needs, housing exemption support through SAS will only be offered to those Freshman students whose accommodation needs cannot be met on campus.


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